
New Release :: LEGWARMERS

We started the release of the new product. It is Leg Warmers with the texture change function. Do you like autumns? Enjoy it with CONNORS!! :D




I put gift item for Make Him Over Hunt 4 in new main tore!!
There is a detail information in this URL.

Start SOON!!

CONNORS Main Store


Get 1L$ items!

[CONNORS Model:Tact Arida]

We open new main store at Sleepless Music SIM. We are having an opening event now. 8 items are cut of the price to 1L$. We won't tell you which one is:p There are 2 items in each section. Let's find out our special price and enjoy new *Connors*!

Limited Five days from TODAY!!! NOW!!! Go! Go! Go!
(Now - 20th Sep 5:00am PDT)

CONNORS Main Store new SLURL


C&R Photo Contest 2010

■【First Prize】 Lisa Lemmon
20,000L$ and products of *Connors* and ROZOREGALIA!
Winner will receive new products of *Connors* and ROZOREGALIA from 4th September 2010 to 3rd September 2011.
-- Products Worn --
+RR+*ROSENKAVALIER*EYEPATCH in black/*Connors* HULA SASH Black Hibiscus in black
-- Comment --
I got several compliments on my outfit while I was taking the picture... :O)

■【*Connors* Prize】Ende Noel 

New products from *Connors*!
Winner will receive new products of *Connors* from 4th September 2010 to 3rd September 2011.
-- Products Worn --
*Connors* Sweater Black/*Connors* Sweater WhiteShirt/+RR+*ROSENKAVALIER*BLACKHAT/+ROZOREGALIA+*Gemma*PIERCE1
-- Comment --
The photo was taken at main store of connors.
Snow in the summer discribes a contrast of the tropical image of connors Clothing and coolness of Rozoregalia accessary.

■【ROZOREGALIA Prize】Ruriko Bracken
New products from ROZOREGALIA!
Winner will receive new products of ROZOREGALIA from 4th September 2010 to 3rd September 2011.
-- Products Worn --
Connors:Jacket Charcoal/Tatoo 02 MANDARA Art/Hip-huggers Jesnes Beige
ROZOREGALIA:NORNIR Pierce Type1&2/NORNIR Belly Pierce Type2/NORNIR Bracelet simple/formica sunglasses No.7
-- Comment --
I kept in mind the image of coolness in both Connors and rozoregalia and addes a hint of sexiness..My aim was to make the photo look as natural as possible.

Thank you for everyone.
We hope to see you again soon.
We will send you our items as the prize for participation.
Hope you like it!

CONNORS::Salah Axel


CONNORS and ROZOREGALIA Photo Contest 2010 Event

CONNORS and ROZOREGALIA Photo Contest 2010 Event

Photo contest announcement is held from now on!

Winner of the contest will be announced on site
and also on below website at below mentioned date/time.

4th September 2010 14:00PM (JST)
3rd September 2010 10:00PM (PDT)

(The blog carries it after the event end!)

CONNORS and ROZOREGALIA Photo Contest 2010 Event


New release!! *Connors* POLO STYLE

I set a new item NOW! : ) I set it in 5 total-style. A polo-shirt, long sleeves T-shirt, a bottom are in the vendor. It is the total fashion of the autumn of men. Enjoy it :D

*Connors* Main Store